Monday, June 17, 2013

Another day, another entry.

This morning started off quite well, I discovered I've won a bottle of Heinz Hot Sauce! :D
I love everything hot and spicy, so this was definitely a WIN. 

And of course pics or it didn't happen, so here we are:

I also went to the hospital to show my wrist at the fracture clinic. All is good and the nice doctor told me the healing process could still take anything from 6 to 8 months! :O But at least it's well in its way.

I also visited the Lidl next to the hospital and bought some RYE BREAD, cottage cheese (because the British one is dubious) and Honey Toilet paper (whatever that means).  So I've been active and adventurous all day!

I also started reading about Humanism. I've always thought of myself as a non-angry Atheist and been quite content with that. But this Humanism business sounds good too. I need to do a bit of reading about it before making too many hasty conclusions. But so far so good.

Oh, and I have to show you guys some pictures I took yesterday while walking with N and his dad at Decoy Country Park.

Here's the official bit of Decoy Country Park, according to

Decoy Country Park provides an opportunity to enjoy formal playing fields and a large children's play area with a water play feature. Other popular amenities include a lake supporting water sports activities and a deciduous woodland with a trim trail incorporated into it.
Decoy was once a clay quarry but now supports a wealth of wildlife, with the main habitats being ponds, streams, fen, wet woodland and heath woodland. Parts of the Country Park are either a County Wildlife Site (CWS) or a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Park provides opportunities for quiet countryside recreation such as walking, wildlife watching, duck feeding and picnics, with good wheelchair and pushchair access.  Educational facilities are provided at the Decoy Discovery Centre.

All these pics are taken by yours truly! I just felt so humble, so privileged to be there. It looks enchanted and that it truly is. I can't believe such a haven is located so close to everything and yet it's undisturbed. There were no drunks, no litterers, no loud or rude people. Just humans enjoying their environment and the beauty of nature. I felt proud being a part of it!

See you soon!

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