Sunday, September 15, 2013

I miss my meds!

Haha, I'd forgotten just how hard it was battling my mind without them..

After the most violent of withdrawals (over a week of  physically ill,- weird vertigo,- flashes of aggression- and despair- and overall- feelings of it not being quite what the brochure said..) I'm now back into wrestling my noodle au naturel.
The best thing is that music sounds SO good! That's also the only positive thing so far.. :(

I can understand why other people stop taking their meds too. There's an interesting and empowering notion of being healed after you've been taking them for a while. But that promptly disappears once you get off them. That's when you remember why you took them in the first place !  :D

To be clear, I'm not the wrong kind of mentally ill. I'm not the kind that has many personalities or sees things that aren't there.. (at least I don't think I am!) I'm more of the type of _Life kicked me a few too many or a few too little times in the head_  So in the interest of disclosure. I'm mostly harmless and more often than not just confused and lost in my head coupled with slight problems with adrenaline uptake or re-uptake... 

The interesting and challenging thing about this meds-free frame of mind is that I really get to know me uninhibited and un-subdued by the drugs. And so I sometimes worry about being rushed by too much information about myself in an environment that doesn't stop moving, judging and not understanding.. Because sometimes I just don't understand anything and without my meds I feel slightly more like Bambi on an icy lake than what I'd like to feel. 

But other than just being able to vent my feelings and thoughts here, there's nothing else to do but to sit back and watch the world unravel and see what happens.

Sorry about the boring self-analytical pap. 
Here's some funny pics..

Me and my lovely brav! <3

My tattoo when it was just done..


My dads dog, I know, we could be twins!

A cool drawing of yours truly 

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