Since living here there hasn't been many nights that I haven't had nightmares. The nightmares are always roughly the same or at least around the same theme.
Without going into the dreams themselves, here's a few thoughts.
Even though my life has improved immensely after moving to the UK, I do realize that I did indeed pack some of my problems into my suitcases and fly them over. So from this I've deduced that one can run away from debt and even cheat death for some time but one cannot outrun oneself.
But what, if anything to do about the nightmares?
I can't really say I enjoy them and they usually haunt me throughout the day. But the quality of sleep seems to be sound and I feel rested when I wake up. So should I even attempt to poke this bear that's hibernating in my subconscious?
Apart from the dreams I don't think about these issues often. I though I'd made my peace with them and left them behind. So would I upset the balance if I did poke the bear?
I think I'll name the issue Teddy and start thinking about what to do with it. I guess I'm worried that facing Teddy is a poor idea and that it's better to let Teddy just stay in the dream realm where it can't really hurt me..
On a lighter note. I bought my very first piece of furniture yesterday! This of course meaning I bought my very first piece of furniture IN THE UK yesterday. I did indeed have furniture back in Finland. :D
Without further ado, here's a pic.
My new nightstand |
Here's also some pics from Teignmouth by night, my favourite is the homage to The Little Prince by Antoine de-Saint Exypery, the homage is made by art school students, I guess.. I'm sorry, I didn't have a pad to write the details down..
A cool shark themed mosaic |
And here's some pics of Teignmouth by night. I had a bit of a blond moment with the computer and couldn't get these bit above the three pics of Teignmouth by night.. Slightly frustrating but hey ho! :)
Here's also a dorky pic of me with my new canvas bag:
Don't get me wrong, the bag itself is pretty cool methinks, it's just me who is a bit dorky.. :P
Oh well, it's time to go again, we're walking up to Kingsteignton with N and I'm hoping to get some good photos along the way. And if not, at least it's a good walk. *My glass is always a glass*
x x x