Sunday, July 28, 2013


Since living here there hasn't been many nights that I haven't had nightmares. The nightmares are always roughly the same or at least around the same theme.

Without going into the dreams themselves, here's a few thoughts.

Even though my life has improved immensely after  moving to the UK, I do realize that I did indeed pack some of my problems into my suitcases and fly them over.  So from this I've deduced that one can run away from debt and even cheat death for some time but one cannot outrun oneself.

But what, if anything to do about the nightmares?
I can't really say I enjoy them and they usually haunt me throughout the day. But the quality of sleep seems to be sound and I feel rested when I wake up. So should I even attempt to poke this bear that's hibernating in my subconscious? 
Apart from the dreams I don't think about these issues often. I though I'd made my peace with them and left them behind. So would I upset the balance if I did poke the bear?

I think I'll name the issue Teddy and start thinking about what to do with it. I guess I'm worried that facing Teddy is a poor idea and that it's better to let Teddy just stay in the dream realm where it can't really hurt me..

On a lighter note. I bought my very first piece of furniture yesterday! This of course meaning I bought my very first piece of furniture IN THE UK yesterday. I did indeed have furniture back in Finland. :D

Without further ado, here's a pic.

My new nightstand  
It's a nightstand, an oh-so-beautiful, lavender coloured nightstand! In finnish it's called Yöpöytä, try to get your tongues around that one! ;)

Here's also some pics from Teignmouth by night, my favourite is the homage to The Little Prince by Antoine de-Saint Exypery, the homage is made by art school students, I guess.. I'm sorry, I didn't have a pad to write the details down..


A cool shark themed mosaic  

And here's some pics of Teignmouth by night. I had a bit of a blond moment with the computer and couldn't get these bit above the three pics of Teignmouth by night.. Slightly frustrating but hey ho! :)

Here's also a dorky pic of me with my new canvas bag:

Don't get me wrong, the bag itself is pretty cool methinks, it's just me who is a bit dorky.. :P

Oh well, it's time to go again, we're walking up to Kingsteignton with N and I'm hoping to get some good photos along the way. And if not, at least it's a good walk. *My glass is always a glass*


x x x

Sunday, July 21, 2013



Yes, I am fully aware that it has been long since I last made an entry. So this is a bit of an update on what's been going on.

A friend of mine, Sanna came over! She brought over Finnish sweets! All the ones I like and have missed like mad. I managed to stave off munching both bags immediately, but alas, by now they are gone. It was so nice to have Sanna here, she's an ace person and we got on like a house on fire! :)

I showed her Torquay of course, and took her to Primark. I love the reaction Primark has on first-timers! I recognized it to be the same for Sanna than it was for me all those years ago. But nothing prepared me (or poor Sanna) for my reaction. I was so excited to wade Sanna through the experience that I inadvertently ended up nearly ruining it for her. So I took a bit of a breather every so often to let her take it all in on her own terms. I guess I could've been likened to a puppy dog. :D 
We also went to Teignmouth beach, and to Dartmoor. Sanna visited Dawlish and Exeter with John.

All and all it was brilliant! I got to talk to a Finn about life here, the consumerism, fashion, food etc. And because of Sannas ace personality, she quickly became more of a flatmate than a house guest.

We were also lucky enough to catch the parade that ran across town Saturday (13th) night.

The Mayor

This was my favourite!

 I almost forgot to tell about the Duck race! I bought two ducks because I was so excited. It was all part of the Carnival week. The Ducks were set down to the river that runs through our town and the first five ducks won a prize. I think mine weren't in it for the competition but to just participate. ;)

And I also saw Tractor pulling on the high street! And yes, it was a scheduled event, not just a farmer in trouble! :D

Here's some pics from Dartmoor. I know this is a shitty thing to say, but the only thing I could think of while looking at the landscape was "WE LIVE HERE!". It's so beautiful it's humbling! See for yourself!

The setting sun as seen from our living room.

My cool shoes.

As usual, I saved the best for last.
I have a job! :D I'm so SuperHappyExcitedOvertheMoonGrateful. It's a big company and I work in an office in an industrial estate. My co-workers are amazing and my duties are just up my alley!

Of course I was nervous and worried when I started last Monday. But the help and support from my team has been so overwhelming, I feel nothing but excitement. I can't wait for Monday to come so I can go to work.

And yes, a few things are different compared to the Finnish working life. We have set rules about office attire, health and safety and working with customers. I'm kinda liking the work clothes/ office uniform thing, as it means that when I get home I change to my Me-time-clothes. And the rule is not arbitrary, it makes sense. 
Also the appreciation for workers is different. Not much, but the devil is in the details. But I won't go into further detail, as this is my opinion and this is how I feel. Needless to say I have nothing to complain about.

Oh, and culinary news, I tried Mushy Peas and I loved them!

Ok, time to wrap this up as I'm going out to enjoy my Sunday.

All y'all take care now,

Lots of love



Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday MishMash-posting

It's Friday again, although for the unemployed such as myself it's just xxxxday. :D

I might have good news on that matter, but one is not going to count ones chicken just yet!

Meanwhile, last Saturday I visited Dawlish with John. It was beautiful! Dawlish is known for its black swans. And I don't know about you guys, but I've never seen black swans before and they were breath taking. We even saw cygnets ie. baby swans. We walked along the sea line all the way to Dawlish Warren. I'm glad John is a patient man, as I stopped every two metres to take photos! :)
 Speaking of which..

Black swan 

I was also trying to take artsy photos of the sea but only ended up getting plain ones..  And wet because I got too close to the waves!


 And of course I took pictures of the historic and world renown Jurassic Coast. It's a World Heritage Site and attracts tourists and locals alike. It's humbling to realize that this rock has been there for millions of years and that humans truly are the newbies on the planet.


This is something the low tide revealed. :)
I realize that this has been quite a consistent posting. So to make it into more of a MishMash-posting as the title promised..

I'm getting into exercise again! Haven't been able or willing to do much because of the wrist and the cast. And I also feel moving to another country and all that contributed to not really having time or opportunity to exercise. Be that as it may, I've started again. Not so much to lose weight or anything but just for the general benefits of being fit. Weight control is an added bonus of course but not the main aim.
So, I've bought a Hula Hoop. I had one in Finland but left it behind as it was awkward to pack. This one is pink and grey and weighs 1,2 kg. It's very effective and around 15 minutes is enough a day or every other day. And it's fun! My theme song is The Wurzels' Combine Harvester. I love the song I never grow tired of it and the rhythm helps keep the Hula hooping! ;)
I also got a fitness disc. It's a device you stand on and rotate the top bit with the use of your abs. It's good fun! And it works on the abs and the back.
We also bought a gym ball for miscellaneous exercise. And I got a yoga mat and am following the brilliant guide book Simply Yoga by Yolanda Pettinato. 
And as we're not eejits (Irish word for idiot) we do take advantage of the weather and our beautiful surroundings and go out for walks as much as possible. I promised myself I'd take my camera with me to the next walk because the scenery is awesome!

And yet, in spite of all my efforts to be good and well mentally and physically, I'm still having nightmares every night. So even though I feel I left many of my shackles behind when I moved over here, some are still there.

I hope all my readers are well and enjoying the summer time and everything worth living for in life!
It's a sunny day today and the weather forecast says Scorchio! so I'm hoping to go out and enjoy. And let's all of us remember our sunblock and hats. And to drink (preferably water) at least once an hour.

Keep calm and carry on!
x x